3D SKILLS level 2


3D tap model

This is first attempt using a 3D software this process first started using a cube a placing it in the centre of the 2d picture of the tap after that i increase the size so meet with the edge of the tape. then use the extrude tool to extend the size of the cube and to add more blocks then i extended it to a certain size until the outline of the tap meet with the block and bring in the side so it would fit with the tap, i continued doing this until i reach the bottom and to neaten it up i use vertex selection to make sure the edge of the were in correct place of the tap.i used this process to completed the right side of the tap but for the left side i use the extrude tool to add a block from the left face of the central cube to the bottom left of the tap, this did make the it look out of place. to fix this i selected the top right and bottom left edge and select connect this created a line in which i then held the middle mouse button and dragged it until several line's appear. with these line i used the vertex tool to move the doth on the line to move in to the shape of the tap.

Image result for old animation gifs
my 3d tap need only the handle until it was complete by first extruding the bottom of the handle to first create it. then i need to add the four main parts of the handle by first selecting the four faces at the top the tap then i had to use 3d and 2d view to extrude , as the first when i extruded the four faces side were connected together to get past this i turned keep faces off so they didn't stick together.the 2d view did have the correct arrow to use , it caused all four to go one sided so i used the the blue arrow on the 3d view and look at the 2d view,after i reach a point in which i need to curve the block down after that i extrude and extended the rest of the tap handle.once i have completed the tap with block i press 3 on my keyboard and this made all the block of the tap to go into a smooth around shape after that i made sure that part of the tap fit with the 2d reference image.

Maya 3D animation

this is my first attempt at 3d animation on Maya the model and coding was already done for me so i could move certain body part in the correct way.first i set my first frame ,this was done moving the body parts with the rotation and move tool on the control rig of the model body. for my second frame
i move the model body into a different position and set that as another frame, this mean't when i played the model body would move from the position in frame to frame 2

fruit bowl

this is my second attempt at using Maya to create a 3D model, this time i did a fruit bowl with apple and banana. i first used a 2d picture of fruit bowl and then i used the EP curve tool to go over the outline of picture but i only did half of the bowl because once have done half i click revolve so the outline from the curve tool would create the outside of my fruit bowl.but the top was covered so i had to delete the top of the bowl this left the inside with no surface, so i duplicated my bowl and scaled it down and used that as the inside of bowl surface, then reverse the bowl and filled the gape between them by extruding the gapes. and final parts i need to smooth en out my bowl by using the the multi cut tool add more edges to my fruit bowl model.
for the apple i used the same method first by going over a picture of an apple with the curve tool and then apply the revolver, then smoothing out the edge with the multi cut tool.but the apple need a stem so i extruding a bit at the top and reshaping it.


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