wow game project level 2

WOW Game prject

Game Ideas

Combat system

The current idea for a form of non violent combat is a verbal multi chose system in which the player must use a short list of words to form the correct response to a person.
This will most likely have to be programmed in XML

When the user is able to correctly construct a sentence it will deal damage to the person based on the complexity of the sentence.

If the player uses a word they have not yet discovered correctly in a battle they will multiply the damage of there sentence.

Work system

The player will be able to optionally participate in "mini games" in the form of homework and chores in order to earn extra currency in order to obtain items.
This system may expand into other areas such as sports.

Word discovery system.

Some slang terms and more complicated English words will not be shown to the player or simply censored until the player is able to learn it off of a npc.
The words may be used in combat even if its not yet unlocked.


The player will be able to change to accessory of there character such as clothing and hair style.
Some customisation's will effect the stats of the the players such as attack damage.


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