Exploring Animation level 2

Image result for old animation gifsTimeline

Les Clark steamboat willy
stop action
Image result for old animation gifs

Image result for old animation gifs
 James Ashore in 1933 King Kong
stop motion 
Image result for king kong 1933 animation gif
Mr. Bug Goes to Town by Ray Munchhausen in 1961
Image result for Mr. Bug Goes to Town gifs

 one hundaren and one was created by Eric Larson 19
Image result for One Hundred and One Dalmatians 1961 animation

Walt Disney Productions in 1982
Image result for tron 1982 animated gif

20th century Fox created the animation for Jurassic park in 1993
Image result for jurassic park gif animation
Painting and artist research

Richard Hamilton Interior II
Richard Hamilton, 'Interior II' 1964

This painting was painted in 1964 by Richard Hamilton when he discovered a photograph of a movie called Shockproof. Richard Hamilton use pop from photo to be use in his interior painting and in this he used the photograph use carefully arrangement, this is know as collage.Richard Hamilton used the theme of new technology and tie with the theme of art history to show how technology and comunication is becoming a big part of our live.

Image result for broforce
Image result for broforce
Image result for broforce

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this paint is my attempt at paint Richard Hamilton interior II he used a low saturated colour on the area which he has painted but with a hard brush on the purple and blue, the brown used a soft brush to set the tone of the light.the soft brush is also used to create a room in the background although the wall are low saturated to give a realism look, the props have a high saturated colour.Richard Hamilton use picture of props most are from real life photographs and the rest are painted by other by Richard Hamilton would used these to show the effect of careful arrangement of objects.

Image result for old animation gifsparallax is when we used the background and the ground move at different speed creating the 2d environment the illusion of depth.
Power of 2
the power of 2 in Photoshop is to have all side of assets equal to help with the rendering
mind map
this mind map is of all the idear i could gather from the painting to place into a game.

background layers

my background are in way to create a post apocalyptic tone because the artist i used created painting to show how technology was over whelming and becoming a big part of our live which would lead to technological uprising creating a apocalyptic waste land.
Distance background layer
this layer is my further layer created in Photoshop i used a soft push to create a post apocalyptic sky and as well mist of fog at the top and bottom. in the middle i created small less detail building to set the tone of a city in the background.
in construct i en counted were when i extended the background and the two ends meet it would not match and it look out of place. i fix this by first creating a extinction the building the middle left to the middle right by creating a another building making them even using a grid. after that i need to Aline the sky and fog together  by placing the colour of my sky from the top to the building on both different sides as well as doing the same for the fog.

middle background layer

the middle background mainly used for tree and house i create destroyed building to to add to post apocalyptic feel although the building seem to little detail to set tone of them being far away i also including small shade of mist to give it the feel of it being abandon.

reference image 
i used this image to get reference for the building in my middle background as well using the colour of the building and shapes.
close background layer
the background is my close background it is mainly use to show the path in 2d game in my i used a soft brush to create fog and mist to give a abandon feel plus i add to a black Terran to show that that is Terran and make it look rugged plus a brown path to show were the player will be moving.

all background
with the background together this is what it create my 3 background give the feel of a destroyed city with a post-apocalyptic environment.

character silhouette

this silhouette is of my game character which i will further develop

Games character

this is my main character you will playing as in the game he is in a 2d standing pose, i made his clothe in a way to give that look that he is surviving with what he has and can find.

walking animation

this is my walking animation for my game character i used 11 frame each showing the different movement fro his legs the image of the one next to walk cycle was the walk cycle on the right but i forgot to apply the loop.

Image result for old animation gifswalking cycle sprite
action plan

Game platform mind map

game platform

these platform were done in Photoshop with a size of 64 with and 32 height so on the blog they are not very to see. each platform was created with the same style of my background , an destroyed , ruined place. i have also place household object inside the platform in the way Richard Hamilton place household object in interior II.

game leaver 
my game leaver was done in Photoshop in 24 by 24 pixel. this leaver is used to tell my platform to move in horizontal direction and to stop it from leaving the map i place invisible barricade so when the moving platform collide with it , the platform will move in the opposite direction.



i have used the chair from Richard Hamilton interior II painting when the player interact with the container it cut to a second frame to show that it is empty. the empty one will have splash of white paint around it to show it empty then these small little mice will jump out and player will have to catch them.

this is what splash of white will look like on a non white background

these will be my collectable for my game. my collectable is of a computer mice which appear when you interact with my container. the mouse is used to gain point this is by done coming in contact with you character and the mouse will be there for 5 seconds. the amount you gain dependent on how many time you collided with the collectable.

alpha testing

event sheet

collectable and score

this event tell the game when my character goes over the container it will start the animation of it opening and the collect will come out.my collectable is of a computer mouse and my container is of a the same chair used in Richard Hamilton interior II painting.the first event of my collectable and score tells the game when my character goes over the container it start the animation of it opening and the action tells the game to release the collectable, but i made my own action so when the collectable came out of the container they would move back and forward for a few seconds and to gain point the character by how many time they collided into the mouse.

this part of my event sheets control the movement for my games character the first two events tell the game that the arrow key are used to move and  the action face the character in the right way.the rest of the events starts the animation for each of the action for my character.

moving platform
the part of my event sheet move my moving platform, the first event is for my switch so when the platform move the leaver will be pined to it.the second tell my game to activate the leaver you need to press space bar and then this trigger the next event which to do the animation either for it to be turn off and on.the last few events tell the game to move my platform when the leaver is switch and last one tell the game to stop and go the opposite direction when it hit the invisible parameter.


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