Unit 9

Unite 9

Why so companies implement micro transactions?
To maximise income, and to make sure enough money goes to all the employees.
What companies use them?
EA, Ubisoft, Bungie, Activision, Blizzard, valve, creative assembly, games workshop.
How much money can a company make from micro transactions?
£1.3 billion was made by EA
Are Micro Transactions a form of gambling?
 No because the thing you buy are not real.
Do you think there should be restrictions in place for micro transitions?
I think they should.
If Yes – what restrictions would you implement?
I would implement parental guidance and everything obtainable through micro transactions should be obtainable in game so people can play for it and eventually not have a dis advantage.
Would you be put off working for a company that implements micro transactions?
It depends how extreme the micro transactions are.
Would micro transactions put you off buying a game?
yes because if the price is high i will not buy it.
Do you think it will be the downfall of AAA studios?
I think if they up the prices then yes they will downfall because more people will rant about this.

Job role
Years to train
                      Skills required
Hours worked per week
Concept Artist          
4 years
illustration skills, communication skills ,ability to visualise perspective and 3-dimensional space , artist required traditional artist skills in anatomy, lighting, environment, character/creature, architectural, colour theory and perspective

Roto Artist
18-24 month
competent drawing skills, including good line quality, neat and accurate work, knowledge of relevant software, communication skills, team-working skills,  fine art or photography

Texture Artist           
2 years
Knowledge on anatomy and architecture, convey facial expression and emotions, independent or team work,  shading and patterns

Technical Artist
2 years
Knowledge of hardware, understanding of 3D software, understanding of art and animation

3D Modeller            
4 year
Team working skills, problem solving, Uv mapping, Understanding of polygons, able to model props, character and environment.

Match Move Artist
1-2 years
Being able to use the relevant software, understanding of maths and physic, team-working, communication,

Storyboard Artist (Animation)
4 years
Understanding of layout, composition, drawing and editing, be familiar with storyboards, graphic and editing software’s, drawing skills and to adapt to the rang od styles

Layout Artist (3D computer animation)

Animator (Games)


Words skill
In this were would be tested on our skills and knowledge of Maya, using an challenged that was set up by the Live Final in 2017 for a game called overcooked.This live brief was done by code master.
Related image

Modelling assets
 For this we would create the assets for game call over cooked which is a top down game.All the assets are base off the game and we had poly count for each assets.To make sure I that my model were close to Game I had to use reference Image which were given by our temporary tutor.The assets had to use the lowest amount of polygons and one way of making sure that I was using the lowest amount of face I can was by deleting a few.I learnt that people playing the game will not be able to see the bottom face or the back faces , so I could delete them without.
A problem would be that I would go over the Polygon limits I would need to delete some face but it was hard to chose which face to delete because deleting the wrong face could ruin the look.I over came this problem by look for any face that people could see or were hide and deleting those.

This is first where I first started with the windows and walls. The wall would uses more than 5 face that was required from the polygon count.I got around this by deleting the bottom faces of the wall because you are unlikely to see it.The wall light could use the same wall I made and for the light I could add a cylinder. As for the windows I used the multi-cut tool so I could cut the window and to make sure that it was the correct size I hold shift to centre the multi cut.

 Where I completed the utility for the overcooked, I first started with the fire extinguisher by using the a cylinder then closing in the top of the fire extinguisher so it has the curve look of an extinguisher.As for the top , it was modelling using cylinder as well and I used the side faces of the cylinder as the handle by extruding.I uses this same process for the pots by using cylinder model to start the work my way to other feature.The bin was a tricky one for me because it had a strange structure, such as the curve top.I over came this using the vertex to selected both side of the bin top then move in a way that make it look curved and the rest of the model I followed the reference image.

A problem I ran into was getting the right shape for the plats because of the curved square shape.I overcame this by using a square model then curing the sides by using the bevel tool.

This is final assets I completed which compose of the games kitchen worktops and they were the final asset I needed to do.These manly used cubed structure and most of the modelling was done on the top

The problem I had was Included getting the right size and curve on the edges in my sink .I over cams this by using the bevel tool so once I made the sink instead of using the multi cut tool I would select the edge and bevel to make sure that all four side are correct size.

This is the poly count list were giving to follow.

   UV is used to map out the texture for your objects.The processes modelling of  modelling is that you first access it by going into UV editor and selecting the object you want to select then a new window will open.In That new window you will find the many facing scrambled around and need to be neaten before texture.This is done select the facing moving them about ,some facing will be snap to other parts and only way to separate them is by clicking planar.When UVing it best to be shading ,this shows that your facing are facing the right way and if they need to be flip they will be highlighted red.while UV I had to make sure that the faces were as big as I could possible get and with out and faces escaping the UV area or else those faces would not texture.


This was done Photoshop, were I used the snapshot UV image I saved and place it into Photoshop.The save has to be in the right format and size which is 510 x 510 and format such be Tanga. Then I Covered the background with a black and in the UV faces I coloured them in  the colour they are going to be in.I could then save it as a PNG so it can be put in Maya and place it in your Maya work folder.In Maya go into attribute and find file , there should be icon of a file and then just find your Uv map fully coloured. finaly just active texture so it apply to the 3D objects.

Modelling Hangry
The final section of our brief was that we had model a character from game,the character was called Hangry who is a giant plant creature.I started of by first using a sphere as base of hangry's head with it I did the lips by selecting the facing the middle of sphere then deleting those so I have the mouth.But when it came to shaping the lips I ran into a problem, when I attempted to make the lip bigger the lips from the other side would move in another direction.I manged to resolved by only starting with half sphere and extruding the faces that were unnecessary to make the lips.But the lips also needed some detail so using bevel tool I included a curving limp for the lips.
Once I had the lips I started with teeth using the edge on top of the lips in side the mouth I extruded it out until I got the size I wanted.Then I extrude it down until it meets half way from the top and middle.The teeth needed to more curved from the edges so I used the bevel to curving the sided between each tooth.Once half of my face was complete I could copy half the face and then bright the two halves of the face together to make one.

In today lesson I manged to finished the whole head of hanged face.First by shaping the head into the correct look by curving the front into a ramp shape, Then stretching the top of the head.I then went on to the bottom teeth, following the same process I did with the top of the teeth.

This part of process I added leaves to my model, by using a flat square modelling I increase the amount of edges of on it by 2 X 5, and I moved in the two top of square to make the top of my leaf.Then I moved out the other edge line to get a curved shape of a leaf.Once I had the correct leaf shape I copy and pasted it and place it on four side on the back my model head.I then copied those four leaves and scale it down to place between the other leaves.

After the leaves I started on the stem., using a cylinder I would slowing extrude it down.I would have a section where I would make the stem wider then continue extruding until I got to the end

In this brief the task was to creature asset and character model for the game overcooked and during this brief we would show that I understand Modelling UV and texturing in Maya.I started with assets first going from the walls to the kitchen work tops and I was given a poly count limit which I had make sure the assets did not go over..During the project I learn't the correct process of UV an model and how to do texturing.I was given reference imaged which model example of the assets done by the tutor, I also had access to reference imaged of the character, outline the shape with a front, side and top view.While doing my asset I would run into the problem of going over the poly count, but I would over come this by deleting face that would be seen in the game.I am satisfied with work n the asset and model turn out and If i more time I would work on added more detail to my character model.

Concept Artist Role
A concept artist role is to design the visual  for a character or scene in games and movies, they give idea in visual form on how the project will look once it is completed, either with sketches to digital art.The concept artist required traditional artist skills in anatomy, lighting, environment, character/creature, architectural, colour theory and perspective.The average salary for a concept art in the United Kingdom is £25,210.

Isaac Rashid
Personal mobile phone number: 44 7463 849884
Email address: Isaacrashid92@gmail.com


I would like to apply for the concept art role for Rocksteady Studio

Personal Statment
·         I have artist skill necessary for doing concept art
·         I know the technical skills for using software for doing concept art such as Photoshop
·         I have experience on the process of doing concept art for project
·         Understanding of anatomy
·         Able to take feedback and work on it
·         Working with teams
·         Keeping up to date with game news
·         Understand versus concept art terminology such as leading line and visual weight

James watt Collages 2016-2018
Level 3 games design UAL
G.C.S.E Math and level 2 English foundation
Level 2 games design UAL
Level 2 maths foundation
Level 1 English foundation
Vocational studies foundation
Level 1 Math foundation
Entire 3 English foundation
Great Barr secondary school
BTEC Science Merit Level
I.T Merit Grade
Construction foundation Merit Grade
History Grade C*
Work experience  
Games store in 2014 this gave me the experience of working in an employment area

Completing my level 3 final major project independently with little help
During project we were task to create a 2D game as a team and I was the secondary manager for when the main manger was absent, so I would director the team

Skills and qualification
Level 3 games art qualification
BTEC Science merit
I.T Merit Grade
Level 2 English
Math predicted G.C.S.E
Construction foundation Level 2 Merit Grade
History Grade C*

 Previous work experience Games store managers office: 020 8827 0699
Legal Guardian/Sister: 07730 679805

Name Isaac Rashid                           

       Choose where you feel your interests lay currently. (circle)
Concept artist        Environment artist         3D modeller       Character design      
 Creature design           Vehicle design         Asset design
Other             What?

       Choose where you feel your current skills lay.
Concepts/ ideas          3D modelling           Character designs      2D drawing           Painting
Creature designs              Vehicle designs                Asset designs              Narratives/ story lines
Other             What?

Think about what you are good at. What are your different skills currently?
Social skills
Software skills
Art skills
Organisational skills
Language skills
e.g good team work
e.g. painting
Time keeping
Good communication
Giving feedback
Digital painting


Keeping work tidy

Working on suggestions
Suggesting improvements

Managed my time on different parts of my work and the appropriate time

Listening to what people what to say
Taking suggestions


What ideally, do you want to be doing in 2 years time?  Comic book illustrator
What steps do you need to take to ensure that you reach that goal? E.g complete level 3 games design.
Develop my sketching skills , complete my G.C.S.E math and English
Fill in the table below
Date/ time frame
Goals/ tasks/
Resources. What do I need to do to achieve this task.
June 2018
Develop my sketch skills
Complete unite 9
Collage computer

Sketch books and tutorials

June 2018

Pass my Math and English for this year
Revision guides

July/august 2018

Complete the summer project before eh collage
The resource given by tutor

August 2018

Start writing up my own stories at home and keep practicing on sketches
Word documents
Sketch books and tutorials

September 2018

Look at university to attended after the courses
University guides

October 2018
Find a university that has illustration course and summit a Ucas sheet

January 2019

Starting doing more writing and put online for people to view

June 2019
Complete extended level 3 course


Find a small temporally job to do to gain an income

Sept 2020 (2 year goal)

Attend a university leaning Illustrator
And attend any course that help achieve my ultimate goals

Ultimate goal!
 Future ideal career e.g: In  Ten year’s
Become a comic book illustrator

This link is my art station portfolio


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