Skills level 2

Construct art

This is software is call construct 2 and it is used to create 2D games

This is called the event sheet ,it were you set the control and action for your game this is my first attempt at the event sheets. With this I set up the control by clicking add event in which I selected the mouse icon after that I selected the necessary command to fire the bullet out my characters weapon.
Soon after I set up the behaviour for the player and bullets.

This event sheet is the one i created for my construct game, the first one controls were the player looks by setting the angle of the player to follow the mouse curse , the movement of the player is done in properties not in the event sheet.the second console control the aspect of the bullet firing by setting the image of the bullet to spawn on the barrel of the gun when the you click the left button. The third console dictate what happens when the bullet collies with a zombie, next to the console the is say subtract 1 from zombie health each zombie has a certain amount of health when the bullet collies with the zombie.once a zombie health reaches a 0 they will disappear.Then fourth console give the zombie movement but they need to be set on the player or else they will only move straight. i set the zombie angle on the player so they will face the player and move towards the player.The fifth console is the same as the third console as in the aspect of the health of the zombie, the is console replace a the zombie images with a image of a large explosion which only appears for a half a second.also when a zombie is destroyed you well recessive a score of 1 which should appear on the top left of your screen when running the game. Plus each zombie has a set speed when they spawn (100) when one zombie get destroyed 8 will be added on to there speed. Each games needs a end game so on the sixes column it is set to so zombie will collide with the player instead of the zombie going through the player. Once a zombie collide with a player the player will be destroyed and another screen will be visible with a text saying game over to indicate the game has ended.Without the seventh column the zombie would be able to go through each other, this column make sure that zombie move apart from each other instead of them going through each other. Even thought the fourth set movement of the zombie toward the zombie need to set to face the player or else it will look strange, so the eighth column set the zombie to face the player when they move toward him. to keep the game going the wave of zombie can not end this is done on my tenth column to keep the zombie constantly spawning every 1 second in a random position on the map.    

Personalise Image
this is a images is my own art design of the player in construct 2 using Photoshop.



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